Congrats to Aadhya!
She was chosen as our January Citizen of the Month!
Our classroom spelling bee winners were also recognized!
Way to go Sutton and Aadhya!
A look at our learning...
Fundations: unit 3 really focuses on learning how to blend and read three-sound words. We will change initial, final and medial sounds to create new words.
For example:
mat---cat---bat---bag---bug---mug, etc.
Shared Reading: our word wall word this week was tricky, but said is a word used so often in their reading and writing so it is important to know. We talked about how this is a visual word and not a sound word. This means it just has to look right because if you try to sound it out, it won't work. We read the books Who, Who, Who and The Little Red Hen to help us with this word.
Daily 5 & Reading groups: I hope you enjoyed listening to your child read their guided reading books to you on Tuesday and Thursday night. They were so excited to show off what good little readers they are becoming! Please remember these need to be signed and returned the following day, as we still read them during class time.
Writing: this week we took our narrative writing assessment. This assessment will be shown to you at the February parent-teacher conferences. You will be able to see the growth they have made in writing from the beginning of the year and the Parent-Teacher conferences in November. Each child had to write a story about a time they had fun at school. This was done in one sitting and without assistance from me or their peers. It is a way to show me, and you, what they can do independently as writers. We also cleaned out our writing folders. Please check your child's take home folders to see their writing from the past month or so.
Math: we worked on shapes and addition this week. We are learning about the plus sign + and equals sign =. We played a game called "10 Bears on a Bus" to help us find all the different ways to make 10.
Makerspace: today we had our first Makerspace Friday with Mrs. Fitch in the library. Click here if you want to learn more about what a Makerspace is. We enjoyed 45 minutes of creativity and fun! Check out the pictures below!