A look at our learning...
Fundations: this week we learned the letter name, sound and correct formation for lowercase s and d. We discussed how b and d look similar, but b is a sky line letter and goes down first when we write it and d is a plane line letter and goes over first when we write it. It is common for Kindergarteners to confuse b and d and is nothing to worry about at the moment. Reversals at this point are developmentally appropriate. The goal is to have them mastered by the end of FIRST grade, so they still have time.
Please use these verbal prompts when helping your child form their letters:
d-over, around, up, down (or we learned we can also say "c turns into a d" because if they can write a c, they can turn it into a d)
s-over, around, curve
Shared Reading: we read the poem I am me and Big Book We Are. Both featured our new word wall word "am."
Shared Reading is an interactive reading experience that occurs when students join in or share the reading of an enlarged text (big book) or poem. Students observe their teacher modeling expert reading behaviors such as reading with expression and fluency. They see how print works, get the feel of reading and begin to perceive themselves as readers. After practicing the above mentioned poems and books for the entire week, and becoming "experts" with those texts, they add their own smaller copy to their book box and poetry folder for independent reading.

We will NOT have a new word wall word next week, due to it being a 3 day week for students. I strongly encourage you to use next week to practice the words your child has missed on the spelling tests the past two weeks. This will help them be successful when we do resume with spelling next week.
If you would like to get a head start on practicing the new word for the week of October 30th, the word will be "at."
Writing Workshop: we are working hard on learning how to sound out or stretch out words to help us spell. In Kindergarten, phonetic spelling is what we mostly want to see, unless it is a word wall word/spelling word. Those should be spelled correctly at all times.
To help with this at home, when your child asks "how do I spell...?" please encourage them to "sound it out or stretch it out and write the sounds they hear." They may ask "did I spell it right?" when finished. Please try and refrain from telling them no, as this will discourage them and make them afraid to try. They will start to think everything they do is wrong. I just say "did you write the sounds you hear? Great! Looks good to me!" especially if it is close. At this point in the year, we are hoping for beginning and ending sounds. So for "house" they may write "hs." If they get a middle sound in there too, great!
Literacy Workstations: they are doing a great job at their literacy workstations! Look at how hard they are working!
Math: this week we worked more on triangles and learned the fancy word vertices (points), used a number board to show how numbers increase by 1 as you count and make a "staircase" and some number and counting games with numbers up to 10.
Science: we are tracking the weather daily and have noticed that October has been a mostly sunny month so far. We are also paying attention to how the temperature changes throughout the day. We enjoy comparing what we do during certain seasons to stay cool/warm and what animals do.
Counselor: this week Mrs. Bergeson taught the students the power of thinking and saying "No biggie" when a small problem (or what kiddos think is a problem) occurs, rather than crying, having an outburst, shutting down, etc.. She also taught them different breathing techniques to use when they are having big feelings. Ask them to show you the following techniques: belly breaths, bunny breaths, cookies & cocoa and cloud breaths.
We are trying to help the kiddos understand that it is ok if you make a mistake, don't know something or have big feelings for whatever reason, but it's how you handle them that is important.
Library: this week students were able to check out two library books! They were so excited! Please remember to keep library books in your child's backpack unless reading. As the year goes on, we notice more and more students not having their books on library day. We want you enjoying them at home, but put them right back in their backpack when finished. Please don't leave on a nightstand, special shelf or basket, couch, etc. Thank you for your help with this! They are only allowed to check out books if they return the ones from the previous week and it is much more helpful if they can check them out during our actual library time on Tuesday's.
Check out the cute pumpkins in the library! Still want to send one in? You have time! Send it in next Monday-Wednesday. Information was sent home in last week's Friday Folder. Our friend Evelyn with Tod from Fox and the Hound. Great job, Evelyn!
Special visitor: we are so blessed to have Monica Naylor, Beulah Ralph's daughter, come speak to Kindergarten every year and tell us all about her special mother that our school is named after. We heard a funny story from when she was a little girl and learned that she began the Home School Communicator program for CPS. Monica and her mother are both amazing women. Your child brought home a copy of the book she shared earlier this week.
Friday Craft: we read the book Frankestein doesn't wear earmuffs! and made our own Frankensteins!
Heroes Day:
we are looking forwards to Heroes/Grandparents Day on November 3rd. Another amazing Beulah Ralph Tradition. Easton is sharing about two of his heroes: his grandparents who were in the Air Force. We will proudly display these around the school for Heroes Day. Do you have a family member who was or currently is in the military? We'd love for you to send their picture and information in. Information was sent home in last week's Friday Folder, but we are always happy to send home a new form if you'd like to share!
Class goal: we enjoyed a PJ day on Monday for meeting a class goal of earning 10 stickers for 10 secret walker winners. Our goal has now shifted to receiving a class compliment from our specials teachers. We are learning that it is important to listen and make good choices for ALL teachers, not just Ms. Concannon. Every time they receive a compliment from specials, we earn a sticker. Once we earn 10 stickers they decided we'd earn a blanket and pillow day! Packmate of the Month: yay Addison! She was chosen, by her peers, as our October Packmate of the Month! We recognized her, and our other Kindergarten and First grade winners, at an assembly this week!
Lost & Found: is your child missing something? Our Lost and Found is overflowing! A wonderful parent recently organized it, so this is the perfect time to stop by and look! It is located by the cafeteria. This is also a good reminder to make sure your child's things are labeled with their first AND last name, especially as jacket and hoodie season is upon us.
BEU Pumpkin Patch: a reminder that our wonderful PTA is hosting a pumpkin patch at BEU on Sunday from 4-6. This is a free event. Every BEU family will be able to take home one pumpkin. There will be a craft, caramel apples and a photo booth area!
Have a wonderful weekend! Go Tigers!