We can't WAIT for you to see the videos your kiddos made this week to share about their informational writing topic!
They are SO EXCITED!
But first....let's see how the rest of the week went...
Fundations: after spring break we will begin our final unit of Fundations. Please check out the detailed packet in your child's Friday Folder. I encourage you to use the packet with your child at home to extend what we are learning in the classroom.
Shared Reading: we read the big books Polly Gets Out and The Boy Who Cried "Wolf!" this week. They had our new word wall words, he and she, in them. We also learned a great lesson from The Boy Who Cried "Wolf", ask your kiddo to share the lesson with you.
New spelling words after spring break
Week of April 3rd-7th
Math: we continued our work with decomposing numbers. We worked in groups this week to find all the possible ways to make numbers 1-10. Check out our posters we made to hang in the classroom and the work your child did this week in their Friday Folder.
Now the fun and exciting part...
Since the beginning of February we have worked on how to write non-fiction/informational stories. These are different from narratives because they are "teaching" books. We have learned how non-fiction books have headings, labels and real facts in them. We will soon be wrapping up this unit and wanted to do a fun project to show we are experts.
Please view last week's blog post to see how this 2 week project started and how we got to where we are today....
To continue last week's work, this week we did the following:
Monday-finished up writing books on each child's individual topic (this was day 3 of writing)
Wednesday-Mrs. Fitch (media specialist) and Mrs Eastman (district tech. support) helped us record our memorized stories in front of a green screen

Thursday-as a class we viewed everyone's final project
Friday-sent these projects home for you to view!!!!! Please check their "take home folder" tonight for the written portion that goes along with the video!!! So exciting!!!! We hope you love them as much as we do!!! It was so much fun incorporating all of the technology and higher level thinking skills into our writing time.
Happy Spring Break!!!
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