The kiddos have been looking forward to their first school party and today didn't disappoint! They had a blast!
Thanks to all of the families who sent in supplies or came to help out! Your help is greatly appreciated!

A look at our learning this week...
Fundations: we reviewed lowercase e and r from last week. We also learned the name, sound and correct letter formation for lowercase p & j.
Please use the following verbal prompts at home:
p-dow...n, up, around (we go wayyyy down because it's a digger letter)
j-dow...n, curve up, dot
Shared Reading: we read the following books that featured our new word wall word can:
*Pumpkin Life Cycle
*My Dog
*I Can
We also read the poem Halloween.
All of these were added to our book boxes to practice during Read to Self time.
Next week's new word wall words:
Daily 5: this week during Daily 5 centers I have been working with kids one-on-one checking their letter id, letter sounds, number id, counting, shape and pattern knowledge, etc. I look forward to sharing this information with you at parent-teacher conferences.
We have a couple new Daily 5 centers. Ask your child about the following centers:
*word wall word cut & paste
*new sorting activities at pocketchart
*new books at books on cd
Math: we began Unit 3 this week. Check your child's Friday Folder for an overview of what they will learn during this unit and how you can help at home. There are several papers this week that your child can do at home for extra practice.
Writing: we have added a new step (step 4 on the chart below) to our Super Writers chart. I am so proud of the kiddos for being fearless writers and trying their best to move beyond just labeling their picture and starting to write sentences. They are using their letter sound knowledge from Fundations to help them spell the words in their sentences! They are also using the word wall words they have learned and incorporating those into their stories.
I also introduced new writing paper this week. It has a special place for the picture and words. Right now the kiddos aren't required to use it and can still use blank drawing paper if they prefer. Once I have modeled the new paper for awhile and feel they are ready I will take away the blank paper. Ask your kiddo if they have tried the new writing paper yet!
super writers chart |
new writing paper |
new writing paper |
The kiddos looked so cute on Dress-up day!
Have a great 3 day weekend!
I will see the kiddos on Tuesday!
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