91 days of Kindergarten and counting! Wow! The kiddos are anxiously awaiting the 100th day of school! We will celebrate in our classroom with fun crafts, activities and a dress up day! Check out the Friday Folder for a note with more information about this fun day!
A look at our learning...
Fundations: we continue to learn how to "tap out" words to help us spell, read and write. Ask your child to "tap out" a simple word, such as hat, fog, sit, etc. to see what this means.
We are also quickly going over correct uppercase letter formation. We learn 2 letters a day. This moves much faster than when we learned 2 lowercase letters and practiced them a week at a time. That is because most Kindergarteners come into school knowing uppercase letters from preschool or daycares and just need a quick refresher. This week we learned uppercase A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H.
Shared Reading: we read the big books Jack and Lily's Favorite Food. I like and The New Forest Path to help us learn our word wall words like and by.
Next week's new word wall words:
Daily 5: ask your child what Daily 5 centers they went to this week. While they are at centers I am meeting with the kiddos in small reading groups of anywhere from 2-6 kids daily. On Tuesday, they will begin bringing home their newest book from reading group to read to you! Look for their book and a detailed note coming home in their Take Home Folders on Tuesday!
Math: we have started unit 5. There are several math papers coming home in the Friday Folder this week. Check them out to reinforce their learning at home! We also got to work in our new math workbooks for the first time. In the pictures below we are playing and recording a game called "Roll & Record." They roll 2 dot dice, add the numbers together and color in the total.

Writing: we are learning to take our knowledge of "tapping out words" from Fundations and applying it during writing workshop. We also continue to work on telling more detail in our stories, rather than just writing one sentence. Check out the Story Hand that each child has in their writing folder. This helps them tell more details by remembering to write who is in the story, where the story took place, 3 details, and how they felt.
Writing: we are learning to take our knowledge of "tapping out words" from Fundations and applying it during writing workshop. We also continue to work on telling more detail in our stories, rather than just writing one sentence. Check out the Story Hand that each child has in their writing folder. This helps them tell more details by remembering to write who is in the story, where the story took place, 3 details, and how they felt.
Counselor:Our counselor lesson this week was about having a positive mindset, which tied in nicely with our word of the week at BEU POSITIVE. They discussed turning our cant's into cans and most importantly learning that mistakes are okay. Mistakes show that we are learning. The photo below shows something they have learned in Kindergarten and something they would still like to learn about. They talked about how far they have come in Kindergarten because of a positive mindset. They are doing things now that they couldn't do before!
Social Studies: this week we learned about Martin Luther King, Jr. and why we celebrate him with a day off of school on Monday. We learned that he was a KIND, RESPECTFUL, POSITIVE, PROBLEM SOLVER just like we are at Beulah Ralph. We learned through read alouds and discussion that he changed rules that weren't nice and because of him we can go to school and be friends with all types of people. We also talked about how it's not what's on the outside that is important, but rather what's on the inside that truly matters.
Positive Week Celebration-NEON DAY!
What a bright bunch we are!
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