It was a short week, but full of fun and excitement!
We had fun decorating our bags for Valentine's Day today!

We had fun decorating our bags for Valentine's Day today!
The kiddos LOVED seeing these pictures!
Ms. Harris and Mrs. Roof will be filling in the rest of the year while Mrs. Davison is away on maternity leave. Ms. Harris is our other BEU counselor and Mrs. Roof is a retired CPS counselor and former counselor coordinator, so they will be in great hands!
I forgot to post the group picture last week of everyone in their purple for Class Colors Day! We enjoyed this fun day with Mrs. King's 3rd grade classroom and Mrs. Edgar's Community Skills classroom!
A look at our learning...
Fundations: we have learned the correct letter formation for all upper and lowercase letters. The focus the rest of the year will be on "tapping out" words to help us read and write.
Shared Reading: due to multiple short weeks, we will continue to focus on the spelling word have next week. We did not have a test today. Our next spelling test will be on Thursday due to no school next Friday.
Math: we have continued to work on addition. We have also reviewed shapes and check out the fun we had when we reviewed measurement. We measured a friend with yarn and then compared it to the outline of Chase's body (our teacher helper that day) to see if we were taller, shorter or the same size as Chase. They had SO much fun with this activity!

Writing Workshop: we have started our informational writing unit. This until will last until early April. See more info in the Kindergarten team newsletter. Our first unit of study will be penguins. Before we immerse ourselves in learning about penguins via books, video clips, etc., we worked with a friend and wrote down what we already know (or think we know haha) about penguins. Once we fill our brains with knowledge about penguins, we will begin learning the writing process for writing a factual book about penguins. This is always a favorite unit for my past kindergartners, as they love non-fiction! I'm sure many of your kiddos bring home non-fiction library books frequently.
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