We are on the downhill slide of Kindergarten and our week was far from routine, but oh so fun! That is how the remainder of the year will be as well I'm sure! This week we spent a lot of time engaged in science. We learned about pushes, pulls, force, gravity and friction. Check out your child's Launch Log (science journal) that is in their take home folder and the slideshow below to see what all they learned!
Next week's Word Wall Words:
Rock Bridge High School Planetarium
The instructor at the planetarium told me and Mrs. Layla that our classes were the best Kindergarten classes she has had in a long time! She was impressed by their knowledge of space and the great questions they asked! What an amazing compliment!

Sports Day Fun
Service Learning Project
We had so much fun decorating the clipboards on Wednesday for our Kindergarten friends at Kohfeldt Elementary in Texas. Each child also wrote a friendship letter to a student at that school that will be clipped to the clipboards. We are currently packaging them up and they will be in the mail, along with some Amazon gift cards, in the next few days! It feels so good to help others in need! Our school's focus on helping others through Service Learning is one of the MANY reasons that I love teaching here!
Thank you to the parent volunteers who helped with this project as well! We could not have modge-podged with 100+ Kindergartners without you!
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