A look at our learning...
Fundations: we are learning how we know as writers if we need to use the letter "c" or "k" when spelling words. We are learning these letters are associated with particular vowels. The chart below helps us know if we use a "c" or a "k" depending on what the next vowel sound is after those letters.
Shared Reading: we started learning new word wall words again this week: was & my. Below we are reading books during Shared Reading to help us learn these new words.How cute are they reading in their pajamas and comfy clothes!
Please practice the word said with your child. Many are still spelling it incorrectly. It will continue to be on the test every week until all 19 children spell it correctly. It's a tough word, but one that appears so many times in the books they read, so it is important to know it.
Writing Workshop: every child has finished their first informational book about penguins and have begun a second one that includes different facts! We voted and decided next we want to learn about dogs and write informational books on that topic. So next week we will be reading books and learning all about dogs before writing our own book on the topic.
Check out some pages from some of the penguin books below.

Math: we are beginning unit 6. Please read the Kindergarten team newsletter and the Every Day Math note in the Friday Folder to learn more about unit 6.
Yay! We finally had outside recess!
Please continue to send hats, big coats and gloves daily as we never know what the weather will do during the month of March! One day it's warm and the next it's cold!

Read Across America Week: we had so much fun celebrating reading, learning about different authors (Kindergarten learned about Kevin Henkes) and Dr.Seuss' birthday all week!
Hats Off To Reading
Crazy About Reading
Relax & Read

Books 'n' Buddies with our 3rd grade buddies in Mrs. Freese's classroom

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