Friday, May 21, 2021

May Citizen of the Month

Yay Kavin!

He was chosen, by his peers, as May Citizen of the Month!

The kiddos did a great job choosing classmates for this award this year!  We had a nice talk about how it is ok if they weren't chosen this year, as not everyone can win at everything, and it doesn't mean they are any less amazing.  We also talked about how they will have many chances to win this award in 1st-5th grade and to keep working hard on being kind, safe, respectful, responsible, problem solvers and their peers will notice!

 A look at our learning...

Fundations: next week will be our final week of Fundations.  We are ending the year by focusing on writing proper sentences.  This includes: beginning our sentence with a capital letter, using 2 finger word spaces, spelling all word wall words/trick words correctly, tapping out unknown words and ending with punctuation.  

Please use the parent handout in your child's Take Home Folder to help reinforce these skills at home.

Next week's spelling words:


Final Spelling Test:  next week will be our final week of new spelling words.  We will test on Thursday since Friday is field day and I will be absent for a wedding.
On Tuesday, June 1st, we will take an end of year spelling assessment over ALL 47 spelling words.  While this is a lot of words, it should not be difficult as these are words they are already expected to know. 

Writing: we are continuing to work on our end of year memory books.  I can't wait for you to see them!

Math: this week our main focus was collecting data, tallying and graphing our information. 

Science: we are finishing up our final unit of the year: Pushes and Pulls/Force and Motion.  This year we have learned about the following science topics: Living and Nonliving, Weather, Health/Dental and Force and Motion. 

Makerspace: we had our final Makerspace STEAM activity this year with Mrs. Fitch.  We heard the story "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" and had to design our own bridge for the goats to cross.  They had to draw out a plan, build the bridge using specific supplies, make sure the troll could fit under the bridge and make sure their bridge could hold the weight of the goats crossing over.  These activities involve planning, working together, problem solving and cooperation.  Ask your child to tell you more about it!

iPads: ipads, keyboards and chargers will be staying at school over the summer.  In Media Class they have begun the process of cleaning them up (clearing certain things on the camera roll, etc.) and we will continue to do this in the classroom as well.  If there is anything you'd like to save (from the camera roll, Seesaw, etc.) please work on that this weekend and next week by air dropping or emailing it to your own personal device at home.  They will still come home nightly next week, but beginning June 1st, I will not send them back home with your child.  They will be "wiped clean" for the next school year and your child will receive the same iPad back next year. 

ABC Countdown: another fun week of counting down to summer!  I love that so many kiddos participate!  I have to say, Q for Quiet Day was probably the best day ever! lol!
Enjoy a few photos below and check out the rest on our class Facebook page!

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