A look at our learning...
Fundations: now that we have finished learning all 26 lowercase letters, we are moving onto reading and writing 3-4 letter words by "tapping them out." Ask your child to show you how to tap out a word. More information in the Friday Folder. I strongly encourage you to do the activities in this packet, and future packets, to help your child with reading and writing words.
Please check your child's Friday Folder for the end of unit 1 Fundations assessment. Please work on any skills they have not yet mastered.
Shared Reading: this week we read the Big Book A Day for Dad and the poem Mary Had a Little Lamb to help us practice our new spelling words dad & had.
New spelling words will not be introduced next week or the short week in January that we return from winter break. We will resume spelling words the week of January 9th. I encourage you to practice reading and writing their spelling words in fun ways over winter break to prevent any setback when we return to learning in January.
Writing Workshop: we continue to work on sounding out, or now tapping out, words to help us spell when writing our stories. This is a continuous theme in Kindergarten writing. Their words should be more decodable and easier to read now that they know all of their letter sounds.
Math: this week we continued our work of making shapes in various ways, counting by 10's, showing various ways to make a number and weight and capacity.
In your child's Friday Folder is the lesson we did on showing numbers in various ways. This was a bit tricky for some, and a skill we will work on again, but a great math skill to also practice at home. For example: you can make 8 with 7 and 1, 6 and 2, 5 and 3. etc. We used two different colored snap cubes to help with this. It will make more sense when you look at their paper in their folder.
Social Studies: we have thoroughly enjoyed sharing our special family traditions this week. It has been the sweetest way to learn about our friends and tie in our cultures and traditions Social Studies curriculum. Thank you for helping your child with this special project! Ask your child what they learned about their friends this week!
Service Learning Project: something that makes Beulah Ralph unique among the other Columbia elementary schools is our focus on service learning. This has been a focus of our school for all grades since we opened in 2016. We had to take a brief pause during the Covid shutdown, but it is back in action in all grades this year! On Thursday, kindergarten had visitors from the United Community Builders daycare center. Check your child's Friday Folder for more information on how we will be helping this wonderful organization.