Fundations: Your child has now learned how to form ALL uppercase and lowercase letters correctly. While I do see them forming their letters correctly, for the most part, when we explicitly work on it during Fundations time, I do notice many struggling to carry the correct formation over into their daily writing. I encourage you to hold them accountable for forming their letters neatly and correctly at all times. The more we perfect it now, the more successful they will be as writers as they go to first grade and beyond. The less they have to think about how to form their letters, the more they can focus on the craft of writing.
Don't know where to start to hold them accountable for their learning? Their name is a great place! Do they rush and just slop their name down on paper? If so, have them erase and tell them to slow down and form their letters correctly. Then expand beyond that to spelling words, etc.
Please refer to the Fundations parent packet in the Friday Folder. I encourage you to use the ideas for handwriting and tapping out words at home throughout the week. If you need a new copy that has the verbal prompts listed for ALL uppercase and lowercase letters, send me an email and I will happily send another one home.
Writing Workshop: this week we wrapped up our narrative writing unit. Since the beginning of Kindergarten we have been writing narratives, stories about our lives, as this is what Kindergarteners are experts on and can easily come up with something to write about. Whether it was a t-ball game, playing in the snow on a snow day or a simple trip to the store with their parents. They have grown from telling a story only through a drawing, to adding labels, to writing a simple sentence or two. I am so proud of their hard work and growth!
Next week we are beginning our opinion writing unit! This is always a fun one, as we know that all 5-6 year old's have opinions! lol!
Math: we have begun unit 5. Please see the handout in your child's Friday Folder to see what your child will be learning over the course of this unit and how to help extend their learning at home.
Next week's Spelling Words:
Just like I mentioned with the word "mom," we will want to reinforce using lowercase d's when writing the word "dad." We will discuss how dad is what we call our fathers, but it's not their actual name, so we write lowercase d's.
Groundhog's day: we had fun learning about this special day! We can't wait to see if the groundhog will see his shadow on Sunday! Six more weeks of winter or will spring be here soon? Check your child's daily take home folder for a book and some fun activities we did today!
Packmate of the Month: yay Vedanth! He was chosen, by his peers, as our January Packmate of the Month! We celebrated him, and the other winners, at an assembly today. We were honored to have Monica Naylor, Beulah Ralph's daughter, help present the awards today in honor of Beulah Ralph's birthday! I love how many students wore their BEU spirit wear or blue and green today in her honor! All students also received a Rice Krispie treat from Mr. Foulk and Mrs. Isenogle for Beulah Ralph's birthday.
Valentine party: We still need MANY parent volunteers to help our final party of the year be a success. There are many open slots of things needed on this sign up. I hope you will consider donating an item to our class. You do not need to attend the party in order to donate supplies. Almost all items listed are things you can just purchase and send in as you get them. Want to purchase the craft for our party? Email me! I have two ideas I can send you and both are on Amazon. Thank you to those who have already signed up to help at the actual party or purchase an item for the party. It is greatly appreciated and your support does not go unnoticed.
Reading logs: January reading logs are due on Monday. Please make sure your child's name is on the reading log and it is signed by an adult. A reminder that reading is our only required homework at Beulah Ralph. All students should be turning in their reading log each month. February reading logs are in your child's Friday Folder.
Next week: next week will be a busy and fun week! Check your child's Friday Folder for information on a Super Bowl Spirit Week, Global School Play Day and an activity to start working on for the 100th day of school. Next week we will also celebrate World Read Aloud Day and be spending some time reading with our 3rd grade buddies. If your child has a favorite picture book, they can bring it on Wednesday, February 5th.
Illness: illness is running
rampant at school right now, teachers and students. While we always want to see your sweet
little ones, please keep them at home if they are not feeling well. It is
the only way we can help them get better and keep the illness from
spreading. A reminder from our nurse is below.
Students exhibiting the following symptoms will be sent home and/or should remain at home if they exhibit any of the following:
- Temperature
of 100.4 degrees or greater
- Vomiting
with associated signs of illness
- Diarrhea
- Unusual
or unexplained rash
- Persistent
- Ongoing
symptoms of discomfort or immobility from an injury
- A
concerning health condition that may require further medical evaluation
Students may return to school when:
- Fever
free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication
- Vomiting
and/or diarrhea free for 24 hours
I hope everyone stays healthy and those who are ill, as we have had several in our class, feel better soon!