Friday, January 24, 2025

Room 302 update

A look at our learning...

Fundations: thank you to the many families who have used the parent packets to practice tapping out words with your child! This extra practice is really showing up in their reading and writing skills at school!  I should have clarified last week, while I do hope that you do these with your child, you do not need to return them to school.  They are for you to keep at home.  The only thing that needs to be returned is the handwriting practice like normal. 

This week we reviewed uppercase letters I-P and of course, practiced tapping out words.

Shared Reading & Spelling: this week we read several books that featured our new spelling words love and mom.  Something we are working on is NOT capitalizing the m on mom and d on dad.  Dad isn't a spelling word yet, but ties into the same lesson and reasoning as to why.  We have discussed how those are terms we call our parents, but not their names, so they need to start each word with a lowercase letter.  Watch for this at home. 

Next week's new spelling words



Writing: as mentioned above with Fundations, I am noticing more and more students tapping out/sounding out words when writing and applying it to their stories.  The learning at school and extra practice at home, really does show up and make a difference when they are independently working.  Their stories are becoming more legible as they are able to hear and write more sounds in words.  I hope you notice this at home as well!  Many are writing about what they did over winter break, Christmas and snow days! Check out some amazing Kindergarten writing below.

I watched Moana Two with my dad.  It was fun.

I set up my Christmas tree.

Math: they had a lot of fun learning about a pan balance and weighing different objects on the pan balance to see what objects were heavier, lighter or the same.  We also learned about capacity, continued to work on making numbers in various ways (6 can be 3 and 3, 4 and 2, 5 and 1, etc.), counting by 10's and playing the math game Top-It.  There is a copy of this game in your child's Friday Folder for you to play at home.  

Library: it was an exciting week in the library as students were able to check out their first chapter book if they chose to do so!  Mrs. Fitch discussed various types of chapter books and we learned which ones are appropriate for kindergarten (ones with pictures throughout and not very thick) and ones that are better for older students (no pictures, thicker).  

Thank you for helping ensure that students have their library books on our assigned library day each week, which is Tuesday.  This helps us greatly when they have them on their assigned day.  

Friday craft: we read the book Winter is Here by Kevin Henkes and made these beautiful snowflakes showing something that we like to do in the winter.  You can see them proudly displayed outside our classroom the next time you are at school.

PTA: We need help building our PTA. While we of course want support K-5, we really want to start getting more kindergarten parents involved since you will be here the next 6 years! Without willing parents to help, our PTA could not exist. Without PTA, we lose so many important things for our school!

We hope you will consider joining and becoming a more active member! See below for more info.

More fun at school this week

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