Check out our learning from this week...
Fundations: we learned the name, letter sound and correct letter formation for the lowercase letters a and g. I have noticed these have been more difficult for the children in regards to letter formation. Any extra practice at home is appreciated.
Please use the following verbal prompts:
a: over, around, down (do not let them draw a circle and then add a stick...this is drawing their letters, and we want them writing their letters.)
g: over, around, dow....n, curve up (down is typed like that because they stretch it all the way dow...n to the worm line of their handwriting paper.)
Shared Reading: our new word wall word this week was the word is. We read two big books that featured this word, My face and My body, as well as a poem entitled Fall. It was a super busy week with several extra events that took up regular classroom learning time so we will continue to focus on the word is next week and I will not introduce a new word wall word.
Next Friday we will have our first spelling test over the word wall words we have learned so far this school year:
a, at, am, I, is.
Please help your child practice these words at home. Practice in a variety of way:
*have them spell the words verbally
*you spell the word verbally and ask them to tell you what word you spelled
*you say the word and have them write it down
*spell it with magnets
*practice outside with chalk
*find the words in books
*make it fun!!!
New words will be introduced every Monday, with the exception of this Monday due to the above reasons stated. I will inform of you the new words via our Friday blog posts. We will have a test every Friday. Right now the tests will only be 5 words long, but will eventually be 10 words long as we learn more words. While we practice the words every day at school, it is important you also practice at home.
Daily 5 centers: we have added a new center to our Daily 5 rotations, Osmos. We are lucky to have 6 Osmos in each Kindergarten classroom. The kiddos learned about the following Osmo games: Words, Numbers and Tangrams. If you haven't heard of Osmos, check it out here If you have an i-pad at home it would be a great Christmas idea that incorporates learning!

Writing: we are continuing to tell stories mostly through drawings, but I see more and more children trying to write the sounds they hear in words to add writing to their stories! yay!
Math: check your Friday Folder for ways to help with math at home.
Social Studies: this week and next week we are learning about Community Workers/Community Helpers. We have read several fun books: ABC of Jobs, When I Grow up and We are all superheroes. Our Friday craft was a fun Community Workers flip book! They brought it home in their Take Home Folder. We also talked about how Beulah Ralph was a community helper and her daughter's visit on Wednesday tied in nicely with this unit of study.
Counselor: Mrs. Davison talked about a very important topic this week, bullying. Bullying is is not a word to use lightly and it is important that we know the difference between someone who is just being mean and someone who is a bully. Please check out the pictures below that help explain the differences. Often times people use the word bully, when really it is just someone being mean. It's a tough subject and one we will continually focus on at school.