What a wonderful turnout we had at our Kindergarten Families Picnic! Well over 300 people! We heard many positive things about the evening and hope to make this a yearly tradition!
I hope you met many new families and friends and enjoyed the delicious food!
A look at our learning this week...
Fundations: we learned the letters i and u. We learned they are called vowels.
Please use the following verbal prompts at home:
i: down, dot
u: down, curve up, down
Shared Reading: we learned that I can be a letter or a word. We learned when I is by itself it is a word and is always uppercase. We read the poem "I Like Stars" and read the big book I Can See to help us learn this new word. On Friday, each child received a small copy of the book I Can See to keep in their book box and read daily during Read to Self time. They are so proud to have learned their first "Word Wall Word."
You can see them reading this book, using their pointer finger, in the pictures below.
Writing Workshop: we are getting better each day at "saying our words slowly and writing the sounds we hear" to label our pictures to tell a story. Writing is quite a process! They must be able to verbally tell a story, then draw a picture to make their verbal story and then try and add labels so we can "read" their story. They are doing so well though! Check out some of our friends stories and labels below.
My dad is a scientist who works on dinosaurs

I was outside. I was playing outside.
Math: we learned a few fun math games this week! Match It! which is similar to the board game Memory but matching dot cards to help us with counting. We also learned Top it, which is like the card game War, but with dot cards for counting.
Computer practice: every day we practice entering our 6 digit student ID number on the practice lunchroom keypad (important even if they don't eat school lunch) and entering our computer username and password on our practice keyboard.
Please continue to practice with your child for a few minutes each night to help them feel confident when using the computers at school. Laminated computer practice pages were sent home in last week's Friday Folder.
Friday Craft: we celebrated International Dot Day at Beulah Ralph this week. We heard the story on Tuesday during Library Check out and we read it in our classroom today and made our own Dot creations for our hallway bulletin board! To learn more about this wonderful book and Dot Day click here

We loved having Flash in our room all week as a reward for earning the
"Fast Pass" award on Monday! He loves being read to!
Just some cute, random photos from the week!
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