A look at our learning this week...
Fundations: we learned the lowercase letter name, sound and correct letter formation for c and o. We learned these are "plane line" letters. You may have noticed your child bringing home handwriting practice worksheets they completed during our morning work time this week. Check their take home folder for one today and ask your child to explain the "sky line, plane line, worm line and grass line."
Please use the following verbal prompts when helping them practice:
c-over, around, open
Shared Reading: we read the big books A Park and What is it? Both of these books featured our new word wall word of the week. Our new word wall word of the week was A. We learned that a can be a letter inside of a bigger word or a word on it's own; just like the word I that we learned about last week. They received small copies of these books to keep in their book boxes to read independently at Read to Self time. We continue to work on pointing to words when we read and noticing our new word wall words I and a when we are reading books.

Daily 5: they have enjoyed going to two Daily 5 workstations each day this week. They spend about 20 minutes at each workstation. Then our 3rd rotation is all together doing Read to Self, which is a time they read independently for 20 minutes. They read various things: an alphabet chart to practice their letters and sounds, a word wall chart that is updated weekly with our new words (right now it has a and I), familiar reading books (the books mentioned above in Shared Reading from this week and previous weeks) and their poetry folder (filled with poems they have learned this year). They also have two "wish books." These are books they can pick from our classroom library to keep in their book box for the week. They are called "wish books" because many times they can't read all of the words, but they wish they could and one day they will be able to! They are learning to tell the story by using the pictures if they can't read the words (and that's ok!) . Ask your child what Daily 5 centers they went to this week. Ask your child what "wish books" they have in their book box this week.
Math: we learned about triangles, listened to a fun story called Rooster's Off to See the World by Eric Carle and learned about how numbers increase by one (a worksheet that went along with this came home on Thursday and I hope your child used the sheet to tell you the story! If not, get it out and ask them to tell it to you this weekend. It's super cute listening to them!) and worked on some math story problems. Check your Friday Folder for fun ways to continue the learning at home.
Writing Workshop: we are still working on labeling our pictures and they are getting better and better each day! To adults, it might be confusing as to why labeling is important, but it is a stepping stone to writing sentences and stories! First a child must be able to verbally tell a story (which they can all do), then they must be able to draw a picture to match their verbal story (still working on this) and labeling comes next. The labels help tell the story. Once they are experts at this we can move onto actual sentences. Even a sentence in Kindergarten is considered a "story." Ask your child what they wrote about this week. We write about real things we do in our lives and not made up stories. Things such as going to the store with mom, riding their bike after school, going to the ARC to swim, etc.
Friday Craft: we love Pete the Cat books, so today we made a Pete the Cat craft!
Box Tops: don't forget we collect Box Tops to earn money for our school! Send them in as often as you can! There is a box right outside our classroom door you or your child can put them in! PTA is going to provide prizes for the classroom that collects the most and we'd love to win!
Reading Logs: September is coming to an end. Don't forget to read to your child (or have them read to you if they are able) at least 4 times a week for 15 minutes at a time. September reading logs are due on October 1st.
If only the little things, such as slides, brought everyone as much happiness as they do for children! Sometimes it's great to step back and see life through our children's eyes! They help us see the world in a more positive light!
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