This year was the first year in all 16 years that I have taught for CPS that they had Kindergartners start on a Monday for a full 5 day week! If they are anything like me, they are exhausted, but we made it and they did great! I hope you have enjoyed talking with them each night about school. I hope you find the handout I gave at kindergarten screenings, "Going beyond how was your day...questions to ask your child about school" helpful with conversations at home.
Recess Fun!

Learning how to use our classroom tools safely and appropriately
(pencils, erasers, glue, scissors, whiteboards and markers)
Learning how to hold our pencil correctly.
This is hard for some kiddos. Watch your child at home to see if they have correct pencil grip or if you should practice more. The kiddos below are modeling the correct way to hold a pencil.
Learning how to use the bathroom appropriately, keep it clean and the proper way to wash your hands to keep the germs away!
We learned that while we are scrubbing with soap we should sing the ABC song. Once finished, then we can rinse with water and dry with a paper towel
Ask your child to show you the proper way to wash their hands at home!
We read the books No David! and David Goes to School to help us learn about good choices and poor choices at school.
We read the books Chrysanthemum and My name is NOT Isabella and discussed how our names are unique and special to us. We did a torn paper craft to help with fine motor skills and celebrate our special names. We also counted to see how many letters were in our names.
Mrs. Fitch came and taught us all about the library. We learned how to take care of library books. Our library check out day will be every Tuesday from 11:30-12:00. Your child will bring home a new book every week if they returned the one from the previous week and took good care of it.
We started Fundations this week. Fundations is a 30 minute lesson each day that helps us learn our letters, letter sounds, correct letter formation and eventually spelling words.
This week we learned the lowercase letter t.
When forming a letter t your child should use the verbal prompts "down, across."
The entire school had their first fire drill today. My class did so great that I am rewarding them with a Popsicle party on Monday!
Today we met our 3rd grade buddies in Mrs. Freese's class. They helped us make Chester the Raccoon puppets to go along with The Kissing Hand and A Pocket Full of Kisses books we read this week. We will do things with our buddies throughout the school year.
Every day we have center (free choice) time for the last 30 minutes of the day. This is a great time for unstructured play, problem-solving, working together, sharing, using kind words.....the social skills we can work on during this time go on and on!

Whew! We did a lot in 5 days! I encourage you to get them outside to play in the beautiful weather this weekend, get some rest and be ready for another full week next week!
Monday's are our school wide meeting day in the gym and our spirit wear day. Please send your child to school in their BEU gear and have them meet our class in the gym rather than the classroom. There will be adults in the building to help them find their way, so you can utilize the parent drop off. If your child doesn't have spirit wear, no worries! Check the Friday Folder this week for an order form!
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