Wednesday, October 6, 2021

September Citizen of the Month

 Yay Aubrey!  She was chosen as our September Citizen of the Month!  

Aubrey was chosen, by her classmates, for exhibiting the 5 characteristics we teach at Beulah Ralph Elementary: kind, respectful, responsible, positive, problem-solver. These words are part of our school pledge, school song and we work hard to be all of them every day!  

This is done by secret vote.  All children have a "ballot" with every child's name from our classroom on it.  They highlight the child they think deserves the award for the month and tell me why they voted for that person (or I do for them at this point in the year...they verbally tell me and I mark the name.) The student with the most votes is the winner.  Classroom teachers do not vote, this is purely voted on by peers, which is so awesome!  

Aubrey was a great first choice!  She was honored today during a Zoom "assembly" with our class, Dr. Woods and her parents.  We used to do this in the gym with all K-2 classrooms and the families of the winners present each month, but due to COVID it happens online for now.  All K-5 classrooms will have a winner each month.  The specialist teachers also pick one GRADE level "Citizen of the Month." If your child is chosen you will be notified so you can "attend" on Zoom.  We keep the winner a secret from the students until their name is announced at the assembly.  The winners receive a copy of their award in the mail and another copy of their award will be displayed on the bulletin boards across from the library for the month.

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