Today we had a book give-a-way that we hope can become a tradition. Mrs. Fitch sent home a few notes over the past couple of months in Friday Folders asking for gently used books that families may no longer use for this book "exchange" . We wanted to make sure every child had books to read for the summer. Every child in the school was able to "shop" and take home at least 3 books today(or tomorrow) that are theirs forever and don't need to be returned. I hope they were excited to share them with you tonight.
Gift for Dr. Majerus
Today our class gave Dr. Majerus a book called "What does the principal do all day?" Each kiddo wrote their thoughts. Some were spot on and some were quite funny! We also gave him a stuffed timberwolf that a dear friend made for me so that he could remember his time as a Beulah Ralph timberwolf. Dr. Majerus also dressed up in a lei to go along with our "V for vacation day" theme!
We gave Mr. Woods his book and gift last week.
We gave Mr. Woods his book and gift last week.

Countdown to summer
V is for vacation day was so cute and fun! The kiddos looked great and we were all wishing we could head straight to the beach! Check out our beachy background in the photos. I made sure every child had a lei to wear as well. I loved their creativity today when picking out their clothes to wear to school!

Teacher of the year letters
Today at our final faculty meeting I was given the letters of support that several of you (and many others from my former school, BEU staff, etc.) wrote in support of me for "Outstanding Educator of the Year." Dr. Majerus took the time to put them all in a nice book for me. I continue to be in shock that I won such an amazing award in April and reading all of the letters this evening has been wonderful and brought many tears to my eyes. Teachers don't do this job for the accolades or big paychecks, but we do it because we truly love children. I am glad you see how much I love your children and all of you. I am beyond grateful for the kind, wonderful things you wrote about me and will treasure these letters forever.
I especially love the ones from kiddos!
Melt my heart!
Lastly, check out this adorable video that Mrs. Layla made to go along with our service learning project. It was shared with the entire school yesterday during the Monday Morning Meeting. We are so proud of our Kinders and their big hearts.
Turn up your sound!
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