So much fun this week!
Service Learning
We concluded our service learning project on Thursday with a field trip to Columbia Manor. The children sang a few songs and enjoyed interacting with the adults living and working there. We also delivered the games, puzzles and snacks we purchased with money from the penny drive in April. We even had enough money to give them a $130 gift card to order pizza. It was so sweet to see how the children interacted with the residents and it was a bright spot in everyone's day! It was a hot, but fun time spent at Bethel Park afterwards for our picnic lunch and some play time.
This has been my favorite service learning project we have done since Beulah Ralph opened!

Countdown to Summer
Q is for Quiet Day
We spent the day with the lights off, lamps on and cuddled up on pillows to do most of our work! I love this day, haha!

R is for Recess Day
We enjoyed 4 recesses today!

S is for Story Day
We enjoyed special books brought from home with a buddy.
T is for Treasure Day
We shared things that are near and dear to us.
Talent Show
We enjoyed the talent show on Monday. Beulah Ralph has some talented kiddos! We saw dancers, piano players, rubix cube masters, gymnasts, magicians, ventriloquists and more!

Thanks to everyone who came to Dr. Majerus' retirement reception at school on Thursday!
I know he appreciated the well wishes!

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