Friday, May 17, 2024

It's the final countdown...

I can't believe it was our last full week of Kindergarten!  It was jam-packed full of fun.  I have a few pictures posted in this blog post, but SO MANY more are posted on the class Facebook page.  There are simply too many fun photos to post here. Head on over to our class page and check them out!

Lunch with the Principal:  yay Palmer!  He was chosen to have "Lunch with the Principal" for the month of May!  He enjoyed lunch and games with Mr. Foulk and other Kindergarten winners!

Talent Show: the BEU Talent Show was held on Tuesday night for families and Wednesday for students. We sure do have some talented friends at our school!  We saw singing, dancing, magic tricks, karate, musical instruments, comedians and more! Such a special Beulah Ralph tradition!

Senior Walk: on Monday, our first graduating class from Beulah Ralph did a walk through in their cap and gowns.  A small, but special group!  I hope when your child is a high school senior they will come back and do the same! 

Countdown to Summer: this week we enjoyed an extra recess on R for Recess day, cuddled with our stuffies on S for Stuffed Animal day,  shared things special to us on T for Treasure day, had fun building forts and working under our tables on U for Under the Table day and had a blast going to the beach and mountains on V for Vacation Day. 

Countdown to 1st grade: this week we made countdown to 1st grade paper chains.  They should take one off each morning, with the last one being removed the day they wake up as official 1st graders on Friday, May 24th. I Can't believe they are almost there!

Science & Writing: this week our caterpillars made their chrysalis'! We are hoping to see them turn into butterflies and release them next week!

Sneaky Reading: only a few more days to post this month's Sneaky Reading Challenge on the class Facebook page-read outside!  The weather looks amazing this weekend, so get out there and do it!  A shoutout to Easton and Molly for completing the task!  

Field Day: we had a BLAST at Field Day!  A huge THANK YOU to Coach C, teachers and parent volunteers who helped make this day possible!  After field day the kiddos were exhausted so we spent the afternoon cuddled up with our friends and watched a movie, worked on our Kindergarten memory book, played and enjoyed time with Mr. B when I had to leave for a family wedding out of town.  A few photos are posted here, but I took so many more that are posted on our class Facebook page.  

Space Spirit Day & Drone Photo: one of our favorite traditions at BEU is to capture a schoolwide drone photo in the shape of the number representing how many years our school has been open. This year marks our 8th anniversary, and we're thrilled to gather everyone on Monday for this special formation! Please make sure your child arrives to school on time, so they don't miss out! It's also the last Space Spirit Day of the school year, so it's bound to be an unforgettable picture! Come dressed and decked out in your space-themed gear!

Friday, May 10, 2024

Many thanks!

 Thank you!

I want to send a big thank you to all of the families who showed their appreciation to me and all of their children's teachers throughout the week!  While we most certainly don't go into this career for the treats and gifts, the thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated and we are so grateful. 

I also made sure the students thought of the specialists teachers as well.  They are amazing teachers, and although they may not have their own classroom, they impact many children's lives every day!  We made a special book for every specialist we see to let them know how thankful we are for them! Many said it brought tears to their eyes to see that they were thought of and read their kind words.  If you included the specialists in your giving this week, they also thank you and expressed how much it means to them! I let them know that I would pass on their thanks!

                                                    A look at our learning...

Fundations: the final parent packet of the year is in your child's Friday Folder.  While we want students to rest and relax over the summer, it is also important to work on things over the summer, at least a couple times a week.  Reading is SO important and should occur daily.  Reading to them and having them read to you.  Both are important.  Please continue to practice their spelling words and reinforce correct letter formation, sounding out words, etc. over the summer.  This will help them begin first grade with ease!  

Spelling Test: today was our last regular spelling test of the year.  We will have our end of year test over ALL 47 spelling words on Thursday.  Although this test will be long, it should not be difficult . They should already know how to read and write all 47 words learned throughout the school year. They are bringing home a complete list of word wall words, as they do every Friday, for you to use to practice. 

Writing Workshop: this week we worked on the special books I mentioned above for our specialists teachers.  We wrote about why we love that teacher and their class.  We made one for Coach C in P.E., Mr. Fears in Music, Mrs. Starbuck in art, Mrs. Imhoff in Media and Mrs. Fitch, Mrs. Canepa and Mrs. Groner in the library.  We also finished our second butterfly informational book and wrapped up that unit of study. 

Counselor: we had our last lesson with Mrs. Bergeson this week and it was so sweet!  They read the book The Invisible String and discussed how even though we may take different paths next year and in the future, we are all connected.  They also took the time to pass around an "invisible string" and say something kind about the person they passed it to.  This lesson and moment brought tears to me eyes.  This truly is a sweet class.  

Math: we are also wrapping up our final math units and you will see ways to extend their learning at home in their Friday Folder.  

Science: to continue our learning about butterflies, we did a fun life cycle activity with snacks! We also have caterpillars that we will watch as they make their chrysalis.  Once they turn into butterflies, we will release into the wild. 

A to Z Countdown: this week we enjoyed the newest Paw Patrol movie on movie day, had some cute and funny names on new name day, made the best of the poor weather and brought the outdoors inside on outdoor days, was comfy in pajamas on pajama day and enjoyed a somewhat peaceful day on quiet day, lol!  

Fancy Day: what a fabulous day we had today!  The students looked so beautiful and handsome as we begin our farewell to Mrs. Nickens.  Thanks to all who also sent flowers.  They also enjoyed a fancy lunch!  

Pie in the Face: on Monday, the top sellers during the Shakespeare's Pizza Fundraiser were able to pie a teacher of their choosing in the face!  I received a pie in the face from our sweet Easton, lol!  Mrs. .Frericks, Mrs. Cohen, Mrs. Pennington, Mrs. Watson, Coach C and Mr. Foulk were also chosen.. What a fun, and messy, way to start our week! Videos and more photos are on the class Facebook page.  

JMS Zoo:  we enjoyed our trip to the Jefferson Middle School zoo. CPS is so lucky to have this amazing opportunity.  The tours are led by middle schoolers who take care of the animals.  We saw birds, guinea pigs, gerbils, fish, snakes, lizards, bearded dragons and more!  Here are a few photos, even more are on the class Facebook page. 

Sneaky Reading: I would love to see pictures posted of kiddos reading outside on our class Facebook page.  That is this month's Sneaky Reading Challenge that was sent home with the May reading log the other week!  It's going to be a beautiful weekend to be outside! 

I want to wish everyone a very Happy Mother's Day!  I hope you all are spoiled all day (weekend) long! They are bringing home a special gift for you. Thank you for sharing your little ones with me! 

Fun at school