Friday, March 5, 2021

Oh happy day!

 This may have been the best, most exciting week of Kindergarten all year long!  Not only did we celebrate the 100th day of school and had beautiful weather, BUT our class was FINALLY able to play on the the new Nature Play Area for the very first time today!  Schools are now allowed to play on the playground equipment if it is their rotation day for it and the Nature Play Area is now a rotation!  It was pure joy today!  Check out the pictures! (click picture to enlarge)

A look at our learning...

Fundations: we continue to work on tapping out words to help us read and write.  We are also learning about "trick words".  These are words that are not tapped out and need to be memorized because they don't follow the letter sound rules we know.  Words such as are, love, the, etc. 

Next week's spelling words:

Writing Workshop: since we met at parent-teacher conferences and I discussed with many of you the importance of your child forming their letters correctly at all times (like we learned during Fundations) and proper line placement when writing, I see a huge improvement in their daily writing.  I truly appreciate your support at home.  I have also noticed a big improvement when they are tapping out/sounding out words.  It truly takes a village and the extra reinforcement and practice at home shows in the classroom.  Thank you!

Math: a great deal of our math this week focused on the 100th day!  We also had a very small introduction to money, specifically the penny and dime.  Check your child's Seesaw for a money lesson they completed this week. 

Literacy Workstations: during this time they work on various reading and writing tasks that reinforce what we are working on in Fundations, Heggerty, Writing and Reading.  While they are working on their tasks, I'm working with small groups of students on literacy skills, reading, etc.  In the pictures below, they are working on the workstation "Search & Tally" to find word wall words.  

Tornado Drill: this week we participated in the state wide tornado drill on Tuesday.  We practiced "duck and cover" and reviewed our safe location (the boys bathroom near the gym and media center).  The kiddos did a great job!

100th Day of School: we had a BLAST on the 100th day of school!  Their costumes were great!  Here are a few pics from our day, but check our class Facebook page to see many more!

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