Friday, April 22, 2022

Countdown to Summer

 A look at our learning...

Fundations: we completed unit 4 and will begin our final unit next week.  We continued to work on the diagraph ck and how it typically appears after a short vowel at the end of a word.  In our final unit we will reinforce sentence structure, reading and writing short sentences with fluency/expression, using punctuation and learning some final spelling words. 

Check the Friday Folder for the parent packet to extend their learning at home.  Even though we are on the downhill slide of Kindergarten, we want to keep reinforcing skills at home to help them stay on track for first grade.  The same goes for throughout the summer as well. 

Shared Reading: they are really blossoming into little readers!  I've enjoyed those of you who have messaged me or told me personally how you have noticed your child reading more independently at home now.  I love this time of year when it really begins to "click" and I'm so glad you notice! I love snapping photos when they are reading! 

Next week's spelling words

We had our spelling test today, but it will come home on Monday since I was absent and had a substitute teacher.  I asked her to leave them for me to look at.

Writing Workshop: we continue to work on narratives, many are writing about spring break or Easter, and working on the writing goals we set for ourselves.  
Ask your child what their writing goal is and what they wrote about this week. 

Math: this week we learned how we can use dominoes to help with addition.  If you have dominoes at home ask your child to explain how they can do this! They had fun using them!
We also worked on teen numbers and how a teen number is a group of ten and some left over. 
Check the Friday Folder for ways to extend their learning at home. 

Author visit: we were excited to have Minh Le, children's book author, visit Beulah Ralph on Friday.  He spoke to Kindergarten-third grade.  We read several of his books this week to prepare for his visit!  Ask your child to tell you all about it! 

Monday Morning Meeting: it felt so good to bring back the BEU tradition of "Monday Morning Meeting" in the gym.  I think the kids had a great time as well!  This is something we used to do every Monday, grades K-5, but then the pandemic happened.  We are easing back into it and will alternate weeks we meet in the gym vs. viewing in our classroom on Zoom.  Since K-2 was in the gym this past Monday, we will be in our classroom this upcoming Monday and continue to alternate.  I loved seeing all of the students wear their BEU spirit wear on this day!

Countdown to summer: hard to believe it, but we have started our countdown to summer!  A note came home about this in last week's Friday Folder.  This week we had an A for art day and B for bubbles day!  
Please make sure you view the countdown calendar that came home last week to know if you need to send your child with something special each day.  Some items are provided at school and some from home.  

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