Friday, December 8, 2017

Busy Bees!

It felt good to be back at work for a full week and boy were we busy bees! Due to lack of routine and consistency when I was out sick, we had to spend quite a bit of time working on behavior expectations.  Jack, our elf, wrote us a note today saying that after speaking to Santa they need us to work on listening attentively at the carpet and knowing when it is a good time to be silly and when we need to be focused learners.  They let us know that we are on the "Nice list" (yay!!) but that we need to work hard on these things so Jack can return to our classroom. We are all hopeful next week will be better. They also had a great deal of trouble in specials and at lunch.  Just very silly and a bit out of control. We spent several play center times this week practicing appropriate behavior rather than playing.  Any gentle reminders you can give at home is also greatly appreciated by me, Jack and Santa!

A look at our week...
Fundations: we learned the name and sound for lowercase z and q.  We also learned that q is a scaredy cat and anywhere it goes, the letter u must go with it.  Please see the packet in the Friday Folder and the section in our Kindergarten team newsletter this week about Fundations. 

Shared Reading: we read the poem Little Cookie, which is about the gingerbread man.  We also read the big books Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you hear? and It looked like spilt milk.  All of these featured our spelling words if, it, in.

Next week's word wall word:

Daily 5 centers: we have several new Daily 5 centers.  Most of them are centers that help us practice our word wall words.

Math: there is a fun math game in your child's Friday Folder for you to keep and play at home.

Writing Workshop: we are learning to add word spaces to our writing and to tell more detail in their stories.  I am modeling and encouraging them to try and write 2-3 sentences rather than just one.  Below is a great example from one of our kiddos of word spaces and telling more detail.  
I steered the wheel of grandpas pickup.He lives in Martinsburg. I loved it. I love grandpa.

A few fun pictures from our week...
Cute little cats we have in our room!

Our two birthday buddies on Friday, Mr. Moody & Ainsley

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